Saturday, October 20, 2007


I spent too much time distracted yesterday and not enough actually working on sewing related things. I hope to rectify that today, but with blogging, and other online activities, sometimes it's hard for me to pull myself away from the computer! My 'dream' is to have a laptop which can be in my sewing area...and DSL or cable internet for quicker connections so I can both sew and putz on the internet at the same time...maybe someday!

I did get a few things done, though. I finished up a dishcloth, spent some time quilting and I added this little black skirt to a shirt I bought for Ruthie. She doesn't 'get' Halloween yet, so I hadn't planned to dress her up, this shirt was perfect. It says "who needs a costume when you are already a Princess." She didn't have a black skirt or pair of pants, though, so I added this little pleated skirt at the bottom to make a dress of it. She really wanted to wear it, but I knew she wouldn't want to take it off (she LOVES clothes) and I didn't want to risk her getting food on it before she got to wear it out.

This will be a pretty quiet weekend here, our older kids are out all day and probably evening. On Sunday they are usually all out and about after church, too. I hope to get a lot done this weekend.

I've already done a bit of quilting. Unless I missed something, I should be able to get the frame quilt off for border marking, then it will go into a hoop as that works easiest for quilting the borders.

I'll also be pulling out the next quilt for the frame (the only other big thing I have to make for Christmas) to begin marking it.

Now with the next quilt getting ready for the frame, I realized the top that I planned to quilt after the Christmas quilting is completed is still not finished. Out will come my applique basket so the remaining blocks can be worked on here and there. I'm on the 20th block out of 32, so it's definitely doable...if I can tear myself away from the computer. I SHOULD be able to spend more time in my sewing room than I do, but this computer (and connection with so many interesting people) draws me nearly as much as my sewing does.

So off I go, I'm determined this quilt will be off the frame and marked today. What happens beyond that I don't know. I make plans for each day, but often I switch them out, depending on my mood and what else comes up during the day.

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

Sweet P said...

I have wireless and a laptop and can't imagine life without either one. I would highly recommend getting a laptop for yourself. You'll never go back to a desk top computer again.

I love the Halloween outfit you made for your little girl. She looks so happy with it.