Arnie's quilt is done. I'm thrilled with how it came out, it's bound and ready to be sent in early December.
Here is a closeup of the quilting.

Katie's quilt is in the hoop and I've begun the quilting. The last several days have been warm and humid here, so not good for a quilt in the lap. I avoid the a/c whenever possible because of the expense, so I've been working on applique these last few days. The a/c is on today, though, and I'll hand quilt some of today and tomorrow while I'm holed up inside, hiding from the heat and humidity.

Emma's top is done, too. I'm really pleased with this one. I'll be basting it in the next couple of weeks so it's ready to go when Katie's is done.

If you look closely, you can see little fingers holding the right side of the top, Miss Ruthie had to help, too, then had to have her own turn holding it up for me to take a picture.


Debbie's is well under way. All of the applique is prepared, the background pieces are cut and I've appliqued one block and am on the second. This one has posies appliqued on the corners where the blocks meet, so there will be more to do as I begin to assemble the blocks, which I plan to do as soon as a few of them are finished.

Along the way, I've come up with a couple more projects as well. I printed out paper for another strip quilt, one to go on the little couch in my sewing room, and this time the blocks will be smaller to make better use of some of the scraps, and for variety. It was hard to get a good picture of these, but you can see the sewing lines. To each side of center will be a 3/4 inch strip and outside each of those will be a 1/2 inch strip. The triangles will be background fabric and where they meet will leave a nice space for quilting.

I also have a couple of scrap quilt ideas floating around my head and hopefully those will make it to paper soon. In spite of having things that need to be done, it's nice to take a break from them to work on something else for a day or two.
With the Christmas quilting well under way, it's possible that as many as 3 of the 4 quilts could be finished by fall. That leads me back to wanting to get the roman shades made, so piecing the finished strip blocks will begin soon as well. While typing this, I realized that while fabric searching for other quilts, I found a piece that I'm pretty sure is big enough for the roman shade for our bedroom (this one is appliqued and I didn't want there to be any seams, which are more visible with the window light behind it) so that may get a start sooner than I expected as well. Below is the pattern piece, at the end of each calyx will be a 3 dimensional rosebud. There will also be a vine with these same elements going around the sides and bottom of the heart shape and across the cornice box so it is a complete picture when all put together.

I've done a bit of applique so far today, and am babysitting for a few hours this afternoon. While Ruthie and her little buddy are occupied, I might get a bit more done, but with keeping them occupied and a few quick chores, I don't expect to get much more done before dinner time. After, though, it will be time for putting up my feet and doing some more applique or some hand quilting on Katie's quilt. It's nice in here right now with the a/c on, so as long as I don't get overheated with chores, dinner, and dishes, it might just be cool enough in here to quilt.