Today looks to be a wonderful day. We skipped our walk this morning because of a threatening weather radar and tornado watch, but an hour after our normal leaving time it still hasn't rained and the sun even made a peek through the clouds.
I had so much to do this morning, though, that it really made it much easier without the walk in the mix. My quilting bee meets this afternoon. I have iced coffee made in the fridge and will have a pot of hot coffee available. If you're a flavored coffee drinker and have a Meijer anywhere near you, try their store brand Michigan Cherry flavored coffee. OH MY. It's fabulous. Add a little french vanilla creamer and it's heaven in a cup.
I made a chocolate pound cake last night and bought some mini eclairs so all that's left to do is clear a few things from my sewing table and I'm ready to go.
As soon as the quilting bee ends, I'll be getting dinner ready and then sewing until I drop. A friend is coming over as soon as her dinner is finished and we're going to sew and chat and watch movies until we can stay awake no longer.
We try to do these late night sewing nights every few months. I'd rather work on a project that is fun and doesn't NEED to be done. In my last post I talked about the bags I needed to make and while writing that I realized I do NOT want to spend my entire sewing night on these bags, even with as much fun as they are to do. That gave me the push that I needed and the first is done. I customized the inside pocket by adding a layer so there are two pockets hanging there instead of one. There is a cardboard insert in the bottom that gives it some stability and a magnetic closure at the top. I was really happy with how it turned out!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Quilting Bee and Sewing Night!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Beautiful Summer Day
Our Memorial Day was lovely. I woke up tired and it was gloomy and chilly, but the forecast promised a warm day and that's what I planned for. I dressed accordingly and the weather warmed up nicely. I puttered around in the morning, did a bit of sewing and around noon began working on our afternoon barbeque.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
What a Week!
It's been a crazy one here, more busy for me than usual, so I'm very glad it's the weekend! My family is in and out all weekend, but other than church and possibly a softball game on Monday night (rain is predicted) I get to stay put!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Slow Progress
I feel as though I'm working at a snails pace lately and wonder if I should go back to timing how much time I spend on my quilting. While I think it might be helpful, at the same time I haven't gone through one of these stale periods in a very long time and I know they are usually followed with renewed motivation. I'm hoping for that, and soon, or the timer will have to come back out!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Focus! I Need to Focus!
I attempted to upload a video, it appears to have worked this time. I've tried a couple of other times and they wouldn't load. Here are Lucas and Ruthie, waving hello :)