At least for me it does!
This week I should get a lot accomplished as it's hot and humid here in Illinois. I'm not an outdoor girl as most of the things I enjoy and most of the things I need to do are all inside activities.
While I enjoy sitting outside while my little one plays on occasion (usually someone else is out and able to keep an eye on her) what I really enjoy is open window weather...where I can feel the breeze, smell the fresh air, and still accomplish what I'd like to for the day.
Today, though, is not that. Heat and humidity are settling in for a stay and for me that means easy meals and lots of quilting.
I feel like a broken record sometimes as it seems none of my projects are quick ones so I talk about the same ones for a long time. The strip project is coming along now and I'll be working on those blocks some more today. I'm far enough along on them now that I can pin on both sides without it causing difficulties for me. With the longest seams sewn and a rhythm going on how to work these blocks, they should be finished before too long. I may have to make myself set a timer for a while to work on them, though, because the frame quilt is calling me.
I'm to the point on the frame quilt where I can hardly stand to work on anything else. With this one closing in on removal from the frame (the outer row of blocks will need to be finished in a hoop) I can taste the finish line. I try to have one basted and ready to go on the frame as soon as one comes off, so basting the next quilt is also on the agenda for sometime in the next couple of days.
Aside from a quick practice tonight and errands on Thursday, my days are wide open from now until Saturday night, when we hope to get together with friends. This should give me some serious quilting time, unless I get enticed too much by the computer...which is a big danger for me as it's nearly as addicting as quilting!
Happy Stitching, everyone (and happy 'bagging' Bren!)
Yes, looks like our string of lovely weather is about to go bust. Thank goodness for the pool and a/c! Stay cool and enjoy your quilting!
Thanks! It is all cut and I am getting ready to take my first stitch in the new bag...I am using your cherry fabric!
I can't wait to see the frame quilt completed. Please hurry!!!
I dislike the hot weather and stay inside to get some quilting done. I ocasionally scuttle out to hang some clothes on the washing line and thats it -lol !
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